Posts tagged Perth
Reflection for 2016 and plans for 2017

2016 is quickly coming to an end and I wanted to create a different type of video where I share some of my thoughts as I look back on the year. Generally, I find summer more challenging for landscape photography. The light is harsher, there is much less cloud and I’m less inspired to go out on photography trips. Conditions here in Perth over the last few weeks have been particularly challenging, with strong winds that have made capturing images difficult.

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Two trips for a Sunset at Burns Beach

While consistent bright blue skies without a cloud in sight, might sound like the perfect day, it’s ideal conditions for landscape or seascape photography. A little cloud creates interest in the sky and helps make for a better image. After weeks of nothing but blues skies, finally some thin cloud started rolling in. So I didn’t hesitate and grabbed my gear and headed out to Burns Beach to capture a stunning long exposure seascape.

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Experimenting with Composition at Lesmurdie Falls

With cloud rolling in from the south, I decided mid afternoon to take a quick trip up to Lesmurdie to see if there was still water running at Lesmurdie Falls and also see if I could capture an image with the afternoon light. The Lesmurdie National Park is a popular location for families, hikers and, as I discovered, dog walkers. There has been times that I’ve been to the Falls the place has been packed but this time I pretty much had the place to myself.

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YouTube Collaboration Challenge with Ben Fewtrell

As a bit of fun, Ben Fewtrell and I decided to collaborate for this week’s vlog. Ben’s a Youtube creator from Sydney so we thought we’d have an east coast, west coast landscape photography challenge. The challenge was to shoot the sunrise or sunset of the same day. As we are both from Australia, we thought we’d add an extra challenge into the mix with making sure the landscape had an ozzie theme or element.

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Searching for a Composition at Burns Beach

We said goodbye to winter over six weeks ago, but we haven’t yet had a day over 25…until today! We had storm the previous few days and another forecast for the next day so I had to grab my chance  now. I headed down to my favourite local beach called Burns Beach and explored a rocks (and seaweed) for an interesting composition.

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