Posts tagged Video
Two trips for a Sunset at Burns Beach

While consistent bright blue skies without a cloud in sight, might sound like the perfect day, it’s ideal conditions for landscape or seascape photography. A little cloud creates interest in the sky and helps make for a better image. After weeks of nothing but blues skies, finally some thin cloud started rolling in. So I didn’t hesitate and grabbed my gear and headed out to Burns Beach to capture a stunning long exposure seascape.

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Searching for a Composition at Burns Beach

We said goodbye to winter over six weeks ago, but we haven’t yet had a day over 25…until today! We had storm the previous few days and another forecast for the next day so I had to grab my chance  now. I headed down to my favourite local beach called Burns Beach and explored a rocks (and seaweed) for an interesting composition.

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Margaret River

My intention was to find an image down at Prevelly Beach. Just as I arrived I witnessed the river (Margaret River) breaking through the sand bank into the sea. I explored the area, but soon realised that with the strong winds and water coming onto the beach from two directions, it was going to be challenging conditions in which to capture a landscape photo. Given there really wasn’t much interest on the beach that caught my eye, I decided to change plans and venture up the river towards Margaret River in an attempt to find a location that was more sheltered from the wind.

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Wyadup Bay

Despite the miserable weather conditions and no chance of a colourful sunrise, I took off early down to Wyadup Bay to explore an outcrop of rocks that I’d never explored before. After waiting for a slight break in the rain, I ventured out to seek an interesting composition with the rocks and crashing waves that might make for a compelling image.

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Sugarloaf Rock

These school holidays, I took the family down to Busselton for a week. It's a great location for a family break, but it also offers fantastic landscape photography opportunities that I didn’t want to pass up. So by venturing out earlier in the morning, I can catch the best light,  have Sugarloaf Rock all to myself and don't impact the holiday fun.

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Elephant Rocks

Despite the early start and cold morning, I wasn’t the only one down at Greens Pool experiencing the light from the sunrise. There was a small but enthusiast group of morning swimmers braving the low temperatures of the ocean water.  I turned down their offer to join them and walked east along the coast to Elephant Rocks where I was greeted by gorgeous turquoise colour in the water and a hint of orange in the sky. I decided on a composition looking down on the bay and set up my camera with a long exposure the smooth out the water.

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Vlog - Salmon Pools

It was an early morning start out at Salmon Pools near Albany on the Great Southern Coast of Western Australia. I was hoping for a gorgeous sunrise with plenty of colours, however the cloud came in and blocked any morning sunlight. Given the conditions, I focused on find a strong composition with both foreground and background interest and a shutter speed that captured the movement of the waves onto the beach.

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