Reflection for 2016 and plans for 2017

2016 is quickly coming to an end and I wanted to create a different type of video where I share some of my thoughts as I look back on the year. Generally, I find summer more challenging for landscape photography. The light is harsher, there is much less cloud and I’m less inspired to go out on photography trips. Conditions here in Perth over the last few weeks have been particularly challenging, with strong winds that have made capturing images difficult.

But this challenge provides opportunities to explore other avenues of creativity. That and look what turned up just before Christmas...

This channel is a relatively new channel, I uploaded my first video roughly 6 months ago. It when I took a trip down to the South coast and decided I wanted to capture the experience on video. So I took what equipment I already had that could capture video (basically my iPhone and an old GoPro 3) and just started filming. At that stage I wasn’t even sure I was going to share it with anyone or upload it to Youtube.

So in 25 weeks, I’ve done 22 videos, exactly half of those have been in the Perth area, with the other half in regional locations around the south-west of Western Australia. I’ve already started to plan more trips for next year including one overseas - more about that later!

As of filming this, I’ve had over 130,000 views in the six months and as of yesterday just reached 5000 subscribers. Much of the success of this channel can be attributed to the huge support I get from you guys , I just can’t thank you enough for all the likes, comments and of course subscribing! A special mention to all those who has shared my videos through various social media channels, like Facebook, Redit and photography websites. It undoubtably helps me reach a wider audience.

If you’d like to be notified when I upload my next landscape photography adventure, please subscribe to my YouTube channel.