Posts tagged Nikon
Two trips for a Sunset at Burns Beach

While consistent bright blue skies without a cloud in sight, might sound like the perfect day, it’s ideal conditions for landscape or seascape photography. A little cloud creates interest in the sky and helps make for a better image. After weeks of nothing but blues skies, finally some thin cloud started rolling in. So I didn’t hesitate and grabbed my gear and headed out to Burns Beach to capture a stunning long exposure seascape.

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Searching for a Composition at Burns Beach

We said goodbye to winter over six weeks ago, but we haven’t yet had a day over 25…until today! We had storm the previous few days and another forecast for the next day so I had to grab my chance  now. I headed down to my favourite local beach called Burns Beach and explored a rocks (and seaweed) for an interesting composition.

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Experimenting with ND Filters for a B&W City Skyline

The last couple of days have seen some terrible weather, with howling winds, lashing rain and record low temperatures for this time of the year. When I woke up the wind had died down and the rain had stopped. It was still cold and the overcast, but as a landscape photographer I was going to let that stop me from going out and taking photos.

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Post-Processing in Lightroom, Sunset at Watermans Bay

With the afternoon free and the weather looking pretty good, I thought I’d go down to Watermans Bay on the coast and shoot the sunset. Just a short walk from the carpark I came across this small bay with steps leading down to the water. The base of the steps were in a perfect position to set of the camera. In front of me was a collection of rocks that were covered with green sea moss. This was providing an interesting scene that had a moody feel.

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Margaret River

My intention was to find an image down at Prevelly Beach. Just as I arrived I witnessed the river (Margaret River) breaking through the sand bank into the sea. I explored the area, but soon realised that with the strong winds and water coming onto the beach from two directions, it was going to be challenging conditions in which to capture a landscape photo. Given there really wasn’t much interest on the beach that caught my eye, I decided to change plans and venture up the river towards Margaret River in an attempt to find a location that was more sheltered from the wind.

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