Pentecost River from Brancos Lookout

One of the most famous photo panoramas is of El Questro Station from Brancos Lookout. This is my take of that landscape. While getting the Brancos Lookout is not too difficult, you do need to know where you are going and you'll need a 4WD. I don't image it would be accessible during certain times of the wet session either as there is a challenging river crossing that was expertly negotiated by my mate Steve. Best to ask the locals for directions and advice.

El Questro Station from Brancos Lookout_1200.jpg

As peaceful as the Pentecost River looks, we were told that there were crocodiles in these waters.

This panorama is a composition of 6 images and while I've had practised previously, this was the first panorama that made it to a final image.

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